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The Suburban Prophet: Light Beings Among Us


     This is a book about the spiritual beings that live and walk among us and how you can partner with them to achieve an awesome life experience. I never thought a sentence like that would ever come out of my mouth. Even with all the mind-blowing things I have witnessed in my life. Even with all the evidence I’ve been given, there was still a part of me that resisted accepting what I’d always suspected was true. That is, until the evening of June 30, 2015.
     Ever since I was a child I’ve had a strong desire, okay I’ve been obsessed, with uncovering the real meaning of life. I realize I’m admitting I wasn’t a normal kid, but I had to know. What are we doing here? Why did we come? Were we sent for a reason? If so, what was it?
     As a child, I can remember relentlessly questioning the leaders at our local church about why things were done the way they were. I wanted answers to certain rules, such as why we had to eat fish on Fridays. Why did women have to cover their heads when they entered church? I realize now that I was trying to make sense of what God wants from us. I was trying to understand God and God’s reason for bringing us to earth in the first place. The answers I received from those in charge telling me, “Because that’s just the way it’s always been done,” only served to frustrate and push me to look for better answers. 
     At a very young age, a deep knowing within me shouted that there was much more to this life than we can see and I desperately wanted to know what it was. I wondered if perhaps, like in the story of Adam and Eve, we did something wrong and were banished from heaven as a punishment. If it had been our own choice, why would we ever choose to come to a world where both good and bad things happen? If God loves us, why can’t life always be good? And is God even a he? 
     The persistence of my desire to know must have caught the attention of the “universal powers that be,” because I have received some awesome answers to my relentless questioning. It’s been an incredible ride that I wouldn’t have changed for anything. Okay, maybe a thing or two. But, overall, the things that have occurred in response to my unrelenting search for meaning have been more than amazing. Now that so much has been revealed to me, I feel compelled to share it with you, so that you too may find peace in the knowledge of why we’re here and what this life is all about. 
     I believe I’ve now discovered why we came, why our soul decided to incarnate into a physical body for a short while on this planet called Earth. I have discovered why prayers are sometimes answered and sometimes not. I know how prayer works. I also now realize that we are always praying. Every thought, word and action is a prayer, nothing goes unrecorded or unheard. I also know we have much more power available to us than we realize and how, in a few easy steps, you can learn to use this power in your own life - just as it was intended.
     The fact is we are held in the highest esteem by the Source of the Universe. This Source of All Life will bend over backwards for us. Why? Because It owes us It’s very life. Yes, without us, the power we call God would not exist. In short, I’ve learned that WE are the ones who are adored and why. I have also discovered why we suffer and why we came into a world which allows it. 
     As these secrets are revealed to you, I have no doubt your heart and mind will soar with the knowledge that we humans are the most awesome and blessed beings that walk the face of this Universe. Come with me and discover who the team of beings are that signed up to make this journey with you and how partnering with them will turn your life into a magnificent adventure.


Chapter 1
Five Words

     The crash of her keys as they landed on my desk shattered the silence in my office like breaking glass. Startled, I stared at them for a moment, sprawled out before me like a discarded rag doll. Before I had the chance to look up, I heard the impatient voice of my new boss. “Go move my car!” she demanded, turning on her heel and flying out of my office like a wicked whirling dervish. While I had been the recipient of some of her unreasonable directives, such as telling me who I could and could not spend my unpaid lunchtimes with, she typically saved the car relocation chore for her secretary. Poor Della received the brunt of her disrespect, handling it with more grace than I ever could. The mild mannered secretary would typically come in and find our boss’s half eaten food plates sitting on her chair, forcing her to schlep them back to the employee cafeteria half a city block away before being able to start her days’ work. Then, around 10:00 a.m. when her large Cadillac was about to be ticketed for being parked in a two hour zone, our new boss would emerge from her office, bellowing at Della to perform her valet services. The two-hour zone was right outside the front door to our office, whereas the employee parking lot at our large hospital was at least a quarter mile away. So, it was a matter of convenience that fed our boss’s need to wield disrespect over her staff. Whatever the reason for her abuse, it did not sit well with me. I didn’t like when she disrespected Della and, together with the unreasonable lunchtime directives, I definitely didn’t like it when she did it to me.
     Nevertheless, I arose from my desk and complied with her orders. Once in the car, I gunned the engine on that huge Cadillac, which forced it to lurch forward out of its parking slot like a scared jackrabbit. Task completed, I returned to my desk and started to remove my coat to get back to work. But, something stopped me. What was I doing, that “something” said? Sure, I’d been at this job for five years and I liked my work, but the environment over the past few months with this new boss had become absolutely unbearable. And it didn’t show any signs of improving. Was I going to continue to allow myself to be abused? Well, was I? So, instead of taking off my coat, I picked up my purse and keys and walked out...forever.
     I had just purchased my first home, a small townhouse yet a castle to me, only a couple months before. As a result, I had absolutely no money left in the bank. My dad had died a couple years prior, so I had no security person to fall back on in desperate moments like this. I had always feared being homeless and now my darkest fear had arrived at my door, pounding on it, demanding to be let in. Since that fear wasn’t going away, I realized the only way around it was to look it in the face and push past. Typically overly responsible, I had never ever in my wildest dreams thought I’d ever walk off a job. The anguish I now felt in my soul tore me apart. But, I am a survivor. 
     I have always known there was a forceful presence surrounding me - even when times got tough. I suppose I was in shock at having had the uncharacteristic nerve to do what I did. But, I believe that “Force” helped me go through the mindless motions of basic survival during those first few days of not knowing where my next meal was coming from. I made a doctor’s appointment and was immediately put on stress-leave, which provided a thin, short-term shield between the homeless wolf at the door and myself. I made phone calls and sent out resumes. But the most significant thing I did, each and every day was to talk to that forceful presence. I didn’t just talk to it, I implored it with every ounce of my being. I connected with it, as if the forceful presence was another person standing right in front of me. 
     For the next several weeks, I developed a routine. I would get up in the morning and talk to the Force. I knew they were listening. I don’t know exactly why I felt that this Force was a “they,” a gathering of souls if you will, versus one singular entity. But my overly-developed-since-childhood sixth-sense told me so. I believed I wasn’t in that room alone. In fact, I absolutely knew my prayer was being heard. It wasn’t an elaborate or ritualistic prayer, just a genuine outpouring of strong emotion coupled with mindful conviction. 
     With heartfelt passion flowing out of me like burning lava erupting out of a volcano, I repeated my simple, yet powerful feelings aloud. “I know you love me!” “I know you love me!” I cried. I offered this simple conviction to the spiritual team of beings who I knew surrounded me. I poured all the emotion and strength I possessed into that one phrase, over and over. The strong desire for a new job, the conviction that I was valuable and deserved to be cared for, the knowing I had done the right thing for my own self-respect, my fear of living on the street, the trust and conviction that I was not alone and was being heard. All those emotions and more went into that proclamation. Daily, I’d speak it strong, out loud, standing in the middle of my living room. Shaking and crying with a torrent of emotion. Not a cry of weakness, mind you, but one of strong conviction delivered with extreme intensity. Never did I blame anyone for my circumstances. I took complete responsibility for my decision, knowing I had done the right thing. I didn’t waste or diffuse any of my energy in thinking or talking about how unreasonable my boss may have been. I focused only on what I wanted to have happen. Even though I was scared out of my mind, I held strong to my faith. I just knew this powerful spiritual force, which I would later come to understand is a team of beings imbued with the power of God, were with me throughout all this. 
     Each day I would spend several hours immersed in this powerful declaration offering with all the strength I possessed, the simple phrase, “I know you love me!” Then around 10 or 11 am, I would usually collapse onto the couch in an exhausted heap and fall asleep. The sound of the mailman at my door around 1:30 pm would typically wake me up. When I arose, my muscles would be sore from the intensity of clenching them while I’d been praying. However, never did I give into self-pity or defeatism. Failure was not an option and I knew it. I would then spend the rest of the afternoon sending out resumes and doing whatever needed to be done. When 5 o’clock rolled around, I would put everything away and focus on other things. Back in the early 90’s when this occurred, offices were rarely opened past 5 pm, so I knew it was unlikely I’d be getting any phone calls for interviews. That’s when I would rest and let it go. Until the next day, when I would repeat that daily ritual all over again.
     Thankfully, my doctor had put me on “disability due to stress” which, because I had paid into it, allowed me to receive my full salary for up to 6 weeks. At week 5, he phoned me and said he could no longer sign for an extension on the claim, as I had reached the maximum allowable time limit. I thanked him for helping me and told him I understood, as the unmistakable scratching of the homeless wolf’s claws grew louder at my door.
     During this time I had been casually dating a gentleman named Dennis who worked at a company owned by Apple Computer. That Sunday as he was leaving my condo, he noticed a stack of resumes I was planning to mail out. He said, “Why don’t you give me one of those and I’ll see if the VP of HR at my company knows of anyone who is looking for someone with your background.” Since I had nothing to lose, I complied. I gave him exactly one resume.
     Early the next morning, I received a call from the VP of HR who said he had run into Dennis in the executive restroom...yes, apparently that really happens. Dennis had told him about me and given him my resume. It just so happened that the VP was looking for someone with my exact skills and experience. It seemed their company had just received notice of an EEOC audit, for which my background was a perfect fit! I was hired as a temporary contractor on the spot and began work on the same Monday my disability insurance payments ran out – for one and a half times my previous salary. I might also add, this was the best environment I had ever worked in. The management team was extremely respectful of their employees and for one of the few times in my career, I felt valued. A three month contract turned into nine months, at which point I was able to obtain a management position in another well-known high tech firm, just as I had previously been looking for.
     Amazing? Yes! Although I wasn’t specifically aware of the particulars of how the Divine Force manifests itself in our lives, I just KNEW that something or someone up there loved me. Without realizing it, I had unwittingly tapped into the process which allows a direct exchange of energy between dimensions. That is, between our physical dimension and the non-physical spiritual dimension. The focus, fervor and conviction with which I offered my prayer during those tenuous weeks literally created a hole in the veil between two worlds, ours and that of Spirit. This allowed for the easy exchange of energy between our dimension and theirs. My incredible desire, coupled with a huge amount of trust sent a clear message to my Spiritual Support Team. It sent the message that my intention was not just to survive this situation, but to emerge from it a winner! You see, as I prayed my simple five word prayer each day with so much intensity, they went to work in the non-physical to gather other beings who could provide additional assistance. The longer I prayed, the more beings gathered. Consequently, more energy flowed towards rectifying my situation and moving that huge mountain.
     Additionally, the fact that I would fall into an exhausted lump and sleep each day after these intense summoning sessions, allowed them to have me out of the way (along with any fear or worrying I might have done, which would have gotten in the way of their efforts). I have no doubt they gathered in my living room while I slept to discuss and strategize solutions. 
     It is imperative that after we express our desires, we get out of the way and let our spiritual team members do their work. It’s like when you’re not feeling well and someone offers to make a meal for you in your kitchen, but you keep checking up on them, interrupting their ability to effectively do their job. Getting out of the way, means putting our attention completely elsewhere for a while. That gives our spiritual team the time and space they need to call in other beings for assistance who possess expertise in the area needing attention. These additional guardian angels, can then affect situations and behaviors of their own human charges on earth who can help us. Remember, everyone has a team and they all interact. It’s an awesome thing to witness the power of the coming together of those who are able to create incredible outcomes.
     There are several other important elements which must be understood in order to encourage the successful coming together of this “energy” which creates miracles. They are key in understanding how energy is exchanged between dimensions. And, they explain why prayers are not always answered. Once you learn how to relate to your team so they are more engaged in your daily life, you will be able to draw forth their assistance more easily. As you read on you will come to understand the elements necessary to create an environment within and around you which encourages a greater level of spiritual assistance. 

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